Capital capers

May 20, 2010 § 1 Comment

I’m in Washington DC!  The weather here is fantastic and the area I’m living in (Tenleytown, near American University) is quiet and thoroughly suburban.  It reminds me Evanston, IL; the streets are straight, the houses are all made of red brick, it’s quiet, and there are a lot of trees.  I’ve only been here long enough to walk the few blocks to grab dinner, but already the pleasant summer breeze was a welcome change from the Bay’s cold evenings.

I have 3-4 housemates, but my most interesting one is Pitance (the name is French like my housemates, and it’s pronounced pee-t-ahn-ss).  He is super friendly, likes to be pet, and is already passed out on my bed, which I’m pretty sure is actually his bed.  Here he is trying to say hi to my mom on Skype but failing.  He is awesome.

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